Welcome to UTTC Library and Archive Services
United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) invites you to explore the college’s Library and Archive services offered online and on campus at newly renovated facilities in the Education Building.
Library-Archive Services
United Tribes Technical College
3315 University Drive, Bldg. 32
Bismarck, ND 58504
The mission of the United Tribes Technical College Library is to provide an environment and materials that will promote post-secondary and technical knowledge, cultural values & wisdom for all UTTC students and staff.
Stop by if you need help with anything. You can also contact us by calling 701-221-1782 or 701-221-1783 or through email at library@uttc.edu
- To select, enhance and maintain the United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) Library collection of resources that support UTTC curriculum and reflect the diversity of Native American groups.
- To provide reference and library skills for UTTC students and staff.
- To facilitate interlibrary loan and document delivery to students and staff.
- To provide qualified professional personnel and well-trained work-study (LTE) students to service UTTC students and staff.
- To be an integral part of UTTC’s process for the improvement of education
Two staff librarians invite you to call on them to answer questions and assist you in-person, by phone, email or Zoom meetings. We welcome the opportunity!
Our priority is to help YOU access library and archive resources.
The UTTC Library contains an extensive collection of Native American books and materials. These serve to support instruction and classwork in courses offered at the college, to promote scholarship, and help improve understanding about Native issues, ideas and people.
Library Resources:
Citation Resources:
MLA Citation Guide
APA Citation Guide
Chicago-Humanities Citation Guide
CSE Citation Guide
Please contact us; we are ready to help you!
Charlene Weis, Librarian
Phone: (701) 221-1782
Email: cweis@uttc.edu
Sarah Warneke, Librarian Assistant
Phone: (701) 221-1783
Email: swarneke@uttc.edu
Send general inquiries to library@uttc.edu.
Library Card
You can check-out library materials with a library card. Your card also allows you to access items from member libraires of the Central Dakota Library Network through interlibrary loan.
Internet Access
The UTTC Library and Archive offer 24/7 digital access through the Internet. When the physical library is closed, you can still use online databases and materials. For those new to campus, instruction is provided in library and archive use. Librarians are happy to help you incorporate library and archive information into class assignments.
Archive Resources
The UTTC Archive is new campus resource. The holdings focus on the college and its history, tribal education and higher education, the tribal Nations of North Dakota, and Native People. Ask the librarians how you can research and access the papers, photographs, and digital files in the archive to enhance your scholarship.
Library-Archive Hours
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 9 pm
Friday: 8 am – 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 12 pm – 9pm
Building Hours
Daily: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Policies Statement
Behavior Policy
Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Anyone who behaves inappropriately in the Library will be given a verbal warning. If the inappropriate behavior continues, the patron will be asked to leave the Library.
If an individual refuses to comply with a request to cease inappropriate behavior or to leave the Library, Campus Security will be notified.
Inappropriate behavior may include, but is not limited to the following:
Loud or excessive noise.
Theft or mutilation of Library materials.
Patrons under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Harassment of any kind: physical, verbal or sexual directed at other Library patrons or at Library staff.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Use of cell phones is not allowed in the Library. Please turn off all ringers, pagers, etc. upon entering the Library.
Audiobooks/CD/DVD players must be used with a headset.
Library video and DVD players must be used with a headset.
The sound on laptop PCs should be turned off. Laptop computers must be used with a headset or the sound off.
Food & Beverages
Food and beverages are allowed in the Library.
Drinks are encouraged to be in spill-proof containers.
No food or beverages are allowed on the computer tables.
Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety, care, and supervision of children of any age in the Library.
Children under 12 may not be left unattended in the Library.
The Library does not censor Library materials. Therefore, supervision or restriction of a minor’s access to the Internet or other Library material is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
Parents or guardians of children who are disruptive will be asked to remove their children from the Library.
Parents or guardians will be held responsible for damage caused to Library property by their child(ren).
Eligible Borrowers/Borrowing Privilege
The UTTC Library has a prime responsibility to serve the students, faculty, and staff of the college. The secondary mission of the library is to provide materials and service to the patrons of the consortium libraries of Central Dakota Library Network (CDLN). Also, the UTTC Library supports service to the residents of North Dakota through ND network systems and the North Dakota Library Association’s Network for Knowledge.
A valid UTTC Library card or CDLN member library card is required to check out materials. Applications are available at the Library circulation desk. Proper I.D. is required. UTTC Online students can contact the librarian by telephone at 701.255.3285 x1282 to get a library card. Patrons who are not in good standing at CDLN member libraries will be denied borrowing privileges. Questions concerning Library circulation policies should be directed to the Librarian at 701.255.3285 x1282.
All UTTC Library cardholders are asked to keep their contact information up to date. Please supply the librarian with any change of address or phone number.
Loan Periods
Materials are normally checked out for one month. Exceptions are made at the end of each semester. The due date will not be longer than the end of the semester.
Materials can be renewed for two weeks if there are no holds on the item. Renewals can be made in person, online, or by telephone 701.255.3285 x1282.
Confidentiality of Records
All circulation transactions will be kept confidential. Under no circumstances (except under court order) will a Library employee give out any information about a patron or about who has charged out an item.
Holds may be placed on items that are checked out or at any CDLN member library. When the item is received at the Library you will be notified by phone. Holds may also be placed at the Circulation Desk or online.
Fines/Lost Items
UTTC does not charge overdue fines.
UTTC Library cardholders are responsible for any fines or fees incurred on their card from overdue or lost items from CDLN member libraries.
Charges for lost or damaged items are the replacement cost or the cost to replace the item with a comparable item if the title is out of print. In addition, there is a processing fee of $10.00 per item. UTTC students are responsible for any lost/damaged items checked out by their children/guardians at the Theodore Jamerson Elementary School Library.
Library “Blocks” are sent to the UTTC Registrar’s office. The UTTC Registrar will place a library hold on the students UTTC record and the student will not be able to get a transcript until this “Block” is cleared. Library “Blocks” are removed from the student’s record immediately when all charges have been cleared.

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882