UTTC IRB Mission
The mission of the IRB is to ensure that human participants are treated with the utmost respect and fairness throughout the research process and to further protect the rights and welfare of human participants. The IRB oversees the research to ensure that ethical principles are met and that the research is in compliance with the Belmont Report, 45 CFR 46, 21 CFR 50 and 56, and other applicable regulations, guidance, state and local laws. The goal of IRB review at UTTC is to review proposed research protocols to assess safety, subject confidentiality, degree of benefit and risk, and the need for and quality of informed consent. Each proposal is reviewed using criteria listed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 45 Part 46, “Protection of Human Subjects” (1991, with minor updates since). Title 45 CFR Part 46 considers primarily the effects of research on individuals, including the three basic principles of respect for individual persons; potential harms and benefits to individuals; and justice for individuals. The UTTC IRB is only concerned with Human Participant Research (“HPR”). A researcher conducting non-human participant research (NHPR) research is excluded from IRB review.
UTTC IRB Purpose
UTTC recognizes the importance of conducting research using human participants to further the knowledge base of the academic and larger community. The college accepts the responsibility to assure that research conducted under its auspices protects the rights and welfare of human participants in accordance with federal regulations and ethical standards. The UTTC IRB will oversee this process by reviewing research involving human participants conducted by faculty, staff, and students. All research conducted on the UTTC campus, specifically with UTTC students and/or employees or sponsored by UTTC, must be approved by the UTTC Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the research being conducted. Consult the flowchart below to help you determine if your project qualifies as human submits research. You may also contact any IRB member or email irb@uttc.edu to help you make that determination.
Does Your Activity Require UTTC IRB Review?
UTTC IRB Committee Member List
All surveys require approval from the UTTC Office of Institutional Research prior to dissemination even if they do not require UTTC IRB approval. UTTC IRB committee generally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month during the academic year. Special meetings may be called should applicants and/or approved research projects require more immediate attention. Contact irb@uttc.edu for currently scheduled meetings.
IRB Forms
Form A – UTTC Coversheet rev2023
Complete the form appropriate for the level of risk in the study you are proposing and submit the associated documents:
Exempt Review Checklist (Form B)
Expedited Review Checklist (Form C)
Full Review Checklist (Form D)
Protocol Change or Continuing Review Request Forms
At times, the principal investigator may require a change in the data collection process, participant recruitment, data analysis, or other aspects of an approved protocol. If this is the case, you will need to submit a Protocol Change Request form for consideration by the IRB. Protocols are typically approved for just one calendar year. If at that time, you need to extend the study, you will need to submit a Continuing Review Form.
Protocol Closeout Form
At the conclusion of the study, it is necessary to notify the UTTC IRB. In addition, we require a report of the findings. When you are done with your approved study at UTTC, please complete and submit a Protocol Closeout Form.
This manual complies with the Office of Human Research Protection’s (OHRP’s) regulatory guidance on written procedures in “Guidance on Written IRB Procedures”
Research Projects Approved by UTTC IRB

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Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882