Academic Advising
All academic departments have academic advisors who are readily available to assist students with questions pertaining to academic regulations and procedures, selection of courses that satisfy degree requirements, major options, and alternatives. Academic advisors confer with students about overall degree requirements, academic difficulty, program planning, or assistance with anything related to academics. All department chairs and faculty serve as academic advisors for students in their programs.
Academic Honors
UTTC believes it is important to recognize students who have distinguished themselves with high scholastic achievement. Full-time students with a term GPA of 4.0 will be placed on the President’s List. Full-time students with a term GPA of 3.50-3.99 will be placed on the Vice President’s List. These lists are publicized to give recognition to the students and are noted on the student’s transcript.
Academic Probation
A student will be placed on probation (and will remain on probation) at the end of a semester if either the term Grade Point Average (GPA) or the cumulative GPA is below 2.00. When a student is on academic probation, the student must achieve a term and cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 during the semester to be removed from probation. If these conditions are not met by the end of the semester in which the student is on probation, the student will be academically suspended.
Academic Suspension
A student on academic probation is suspended at the end of the semester if the student does not earn a minimum term GPA of 2.0 and a maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. While on suspension, a student cannot register for any courses for at least one full academic year from the semester in which they were suspended (e.g. fall to fall, spring to spring, summer to summer).
Students may appeal the suspension directly to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) within three (3) business days after the day grades are due for the semester per the academic calendar. The appeal is a written document (email or letter) detailing what the student will do differently in an effort to increase his or her GPA if allowed to continue. The VPAA will respond within three (3) business days with what is considered the final decision.
A student seeking re-admission after a period of suspension must re-apply for admission and meet all typical institutional admission requirements. The admission process for students returning after a period of suspension will be completed through the UTTC Registrar’s Office.
Advanced Placement Credit Policy
Advanced Placement (AP) credit is college credit students earn before they matriculate (the first day of the first semester) at United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) and may be applied toward the degree requirements as specified by the individual programs. First year students who apply from high school or a high school equivalent program must take the AP exam prior to matriculation at UTTC to be eligible to receive AP credit. Students should submit all scores before the first day of their first semester at UTTC to ensure accurate degree planning and effective advising. The AP credit awarded by a prior institution will be reevaluated as part of the transfer credit evaluation process for transfer students. All students must submit official examination scores directly from the College Board. Scores sent from the high school or in any other format will not be accepted.
- The student must be currently enrolled and seeking a degree for the AP credits to be recorded on the student’s transcript.
- The student may not receive credit for both an AP exam and a college course taken before high school graduation covering the same subject matter.
- AP exams are recorded as “AP” on the student’s academic record and are not calculated in the grade point average.
- If an AP exam is taken more than once, only the highest score will be considered.
AP Exam |
Minimum Grade for
Awarding Credit |
Number of
Semester Credits |
UTTC Course(s) Equivalent |
Art History | 3 | 3 | HUM 101 |
Biology | 3 | 4 | BIO 111 w/LAB |
Calculus AB | 4 | 4 | MTH 107 |
Calculus BC | 4 | 4 | MTH 165 |
Chemistry | 4 | 4 | CHM 115 w/LAB |
Computer Science Principles/A | 4 | 3 | CSC 101 |
Microeconomics | 3 | 3 | ECO 201 |
Macroeconomics | 3 | 3 | ECO 202 |
English Language and Composition | 3 | 3 | ENG 110 |
English Literature and Composition | 3 | 3 | ENG 110 or ENG 120* |
United States Government and Politics | 3 | 3 | POL 115 |
Physics 1 or 2 – Algebra Based | 4 | 4 | PHY 211 |
Psychology | 3 | 3 | PSY 111 |
Statistics | 4 | 3 | MTH 210 |
U.S. History | 3 | 3 | HIS 103 |
*English Literature and Comp fulfills ENG 120 if student also completed English Language and Composition.
Auditing a Class
Auditing classes (attending classes without being required to take written tests and final exam and without earning college credit) is permitted but requires permission from the instructor for the course and a $50 audit fee per credit hour. The audit fee is payable prior to the start of the course. Full-time students may audit a course at no additional charge if their total course load (including audit class) is 18 credits or less.
Students who audit courses are expected to participate in all course activities other than tests and final examinations. Students registering for audit may not register later in that same course for credit. Audited courses do not apply toward degree requirements.
Continuing Education Units
The Registrar’s Office coordinates the process for awarding Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for professional development activities. These units are offered through workshops, institutes, and a variety of other training formats. All training for CEUs must be pre-approved through the UTTC Registrar’s Office.
Course Changes
Students wishing to add or drop a course must do so on or before the tenth (10) instructional class day (Census Date) of the fall and spring semesters and the fourth (4) instructional class day (Census Date) for the summer semester. The academic advisor initiates the Add/Drop form for the student and forwards it to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar will make the change in the Jenzabar system. The form is available on the UTTC website.
Adding classes is not allowed after the last day to add classes has passed on the Academic Calendar. Courses that are dropped may be noted as “Dropped” or “Withdrawn” depending on the date of the actual withdrawal from the course. It is the student’s responsibility to know these dates and make the appropriate decision regarding this process.
Course Overload
The student will submit an email to the VPAA requesting approval to register the student for an overload. The VPAA will consider the student’s prior course completion history before replying to the email, either granting or denying approval.
Course Syllabus
The syllabus is considered a contract between the institution and the student. The Registrar’s Office mandates every course for every semester will have a syllabus in a manner compliant with identified best practices. A template will be provided with components that are the minimum requirement for the syllabi and that cannot be removed. Instructors may choose to include additional information that is relevant to their courses in addition to the information on the template.
Each syllabus will have a minimum of the following components:
- Instructor contact information, office hours and office location
- Class name, number, location, credit hours, days of the week, and time of day
- Required textbooks: author, title, edition, publisher, and ISBN number
- Listing of all supplemental materials required and suggested
- Course description, course learner objectives, and assessment measures for each objective as approved by the Curriculum Committee
- Program assessment information
- Course calendar: unit topics, assigned reading, major assignments, due dates
- Evaluation/grading system: descriptions of performance assessments and scoring guides, grading criteria for individual assignments and the course
- Course policies: attendance, late work, academic integrity, student conduct, course procedures, professionalism, and other information on the syllabus template
- Disabilities services statement
Course Withdrawal
A student will have a grade of W (Withdrawal) recorded for the semester if the student chooses to withdraw from a course after the Census date and prior to the last day to withdraw from the term, as published in the academic calendar. The student will meet with the academic advisor to initiate the drop form that is signed by the academic advisor and submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
Students who withdraw from a course after the last day to withdraw identified on the academic calendar will have a failing grade (“F”) recorded on the transcript. Students who do not complete the withdrawal forms, but discontinue attending and/or participating, will have the grade they earned recorded as their final grade.
Degree Change/Major Declaration
A Degree Change Form must be completed in the following situations:
- A student intends to change from one academic program to another.
- A returning student graduates with a certificate or AAS degree and intends to move onto the next degree level within their program (from an AAS to a BS).
The student’s current academic advisor will initiate the Degree Change form if the student is choosing to change programs. The form is available on the UTTC website. The new advisor and a representative from the Financial Aid Office will also sign this form. After the form is signed, it is forwarded to the Registrar, who will record the change in the Student Information System.
Degree Plans
When a student registers as a first-time student at UTTC, the degree plan that is approved and in effect at that time will be the degree plan the student will remain on until the student graduates, changes programs, or withdraws from the college. If the student returns to college or changes programs, and a revised degree plan has been approved during the student’s absence, the new degree plan will be in effect upon the date of the student’s return.
Enrollment Verification
Final Examinations
Grade Changes
The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor shall be final. The following policies apply to changes of grades, except for changes of Incomplete (I) and Withdrawal (W) grades:
- In general, all course grades are final when filed by the instructor at the end of the term. These grades become a part of the student’s permanent record.
- A change of grade shall not occur as a consequence of the acceptance of additional work or re-examination beyond the specified course requirements.
- A request for a grade change shall be initiated by the student affected or by the instructor within one week (5 business days) following the award of the original grade. If the instructor determines there is a valid basis for the grade change, due to a calculation error, a grade change request will be submitted to the Registrar. If the instructor determines there is not a valid basis for the change and denies the student’s request, the grade will remain as recorded.
- The student may formally appeal the grade by submitting a written letter of appeal (email) to the Dean of Instruction or Career and Technical Education Director within ten (10) business days after the award of the original grade. The Dean or Director will respond to the appeal within three (3) business days with the final decision.
UTTC uses letter grades to evaluate student work in each class. Students earn grades and credit by meeting course requirements. A student is required to earn a grade of ‘C’, or higher, in every course required for the degree, diploma or certificate that he or she is seeking. Any grade lower than a “C” will not fulfill the requirements for any course listed on any degree plan at United Tribes Technical College.
Once a grade is reported, only the faculty member who reported it may change it. If an error is detected, or if other circumstances warrant a change in the grade issued, the correction should be made no later than 10 days after the start of the next semester.
Instructors are responsible for determining final grades and submitting the final grades to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar then determines the student’s term GPA by dividing the number of points earned each semester by the total semester hours attempted. The cumulative GPA is determined by the same formula. Grades of Incomplete and withdrawn semester hours are not used in calculating the GPA. The most recent grade will be used to calculate GPA when a course is repeated.
- Grades and attendance cannot be disclosed to a student’s family members without written permission from the student on the signed release form.
- Grades and attendance for dual credit students can be provided to the parent/guardian or the school advocate if the student is under the age of 18.
- Posting grades using the student’s name, student ID number or any portion of the social security number violates FERPA.
- Faculty and staff are prohibited from disclosing personally identifiable information about a student or permitting inspection of a student’s educational records without that student’s written consent (signed release form).
- Reference letters written on behalf of a student do not give the authorization to disclose that student’s records or performance details without that student’s written consent (i.e., a signed release form).
- In general, student information may only be shared with the student’s consent, in a health or safety emergency, or pursuant to another FERPA exception.
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for providing annual FERPA training to faculty and staff during the fall in-service and to provide a copy of the FERPA regulations to all faculty and staff. Any questions about FERPA may be referred to the Registrar’s Office.
Incomplete Grade Request
A grade of I (Incomplete) will be recorded when a student is making progress in classes but is unable to complete course requirements for reasons beyond his/her control and after negotiation between the teacher and the student about how the course can be completed. Except for emergencies, such as exceptional personal illness, a death in the family, or other unforeseeable emergencies, a student must contact their instructor within two weeks prior to an event or events that they feel would interfere with their ability to attend class and finish the semester successfully. A minimum of a current letter grade of “C” is required for the student to be considered for an Incomplete. Students have two (2) weeks into the succeeding semester to complete the necessary work.
The instructor may report an incomplete grade when the student is unable to complete the course because of reasons beyond his/her control. Such reasons constitute a personal illness, a death in the family, or other unforeseeable emergencies. A “last-ditch effort” by the student to complete the course with a history of poor attendance or poor performance is not a viable reason to report an incomplete grade. The student is responsible to request an incomplete grade. The advisor is responsible to make sure the student understands this option. Students must contact their instructors within two weeks of other circumstances they feel would interfere with their ability to attend class and finish the course successfully. The student must have a minimum of a ‘C’ grade at the time the Incomplete is requested. The incomplete grade must change to a grade by the date announced by the Registrar or else it converts to an “F.”
Independent Study Request
The College recognizes there may be instances when a student needs to take a course that is currently not being offered according to the master course schedule. In these exceptional cases, the course or courses may be offered as independent study, providing the following steps have been taken:
- When the need for an independent study for a student is determined, the student’s primary advisor will submit an email to the VPAA and request approval to offer a course as an independent study course provided there is a legitimate student need (i.e. extenuating circumstances). The advisor will complete the Independent Study Contract form that is available on the UTTC website and from the Registrar’s Office.
- The VPAA will approve, on a case-by-case basis, the independent study course request based on student course need and availability of instructional resources. NOTE: The instructor of the independent study course must be made aware of, and agree to, teaching the course according to the Independent Study Instructor Fee Schedule.
- Provided there is a legitimate student need, approval will be given by the VPAA to offer the course as an independent study.
- The advisor will inform the student that the course will be offered as an independent study course, and:
- Inform the student the standard tuition rates and applicable fees apply to independent study courses.
- Discuss with the student the dynamics of an independent study course, including limited face-to-face instructional time, adherence to student learning objectives and assessment processes, self-directed learning, timeframe and deadlines, adherence to the other course syllabus requirements, etc.
- The student requesting the independent study must agree to attend scheduled meetings with the instructor, with a mandatory face-to-face meeting with the independent study instructor at the beginning of the course and at the end of the term.
- The student must sign the Independent Study Student Contract, a copy of which will be given to the student and the VPAA.
- Once the advisor has a signed Independent Study Student Contract, the advisor will contact the Registrar’s Office to have the course scheduled as an independent study course. The advisor will provide the Registrar’s Office with the course, name of the instructor, and the name of the student. The Registrar’s Office will add the course to the schedule and permit registration for the student. The course will then be closed to additional registrations to ensure other students are not inadvertently enrolled. Independent study courses will be scheduled to run for the same number of weeks as other courses in the term, and maintain established course codes, names, and numbers. For ease of identification, these courses will be coded as an “I” section.
The independent study course student and the instructor will adhere to established instructional policies, including regular tracking of satisfactory academic progress, grading procedures, and be submitting mid-term and final grades as scheduled. The instructor has the responsibility of maintaining the integrity and high expectations for the independent learning process and its outcomes.
Placement Exams
The Accuplacer is a computer-based placement tool designed to provide placement and advising information for students entering college and is required for placement in all courses requiring Reading, Math, or English. Students who have been accepted for admissions to UTTC will complete the Accuplacer tests prior to registering for courses for their first semester. For more information regarding the Accuplacer testing processes.
Accuplacer Testing Exemption
Students will be exempt from the testing requirement if they meet a minimum of one of the following criteria:
- Students who have taken the ACT within the past five (5) years, and can provide a copy of the scores
- Students who are registering for certificate programs (Welding, HEO and Medical Billing & Coding)
- Transfer students who have successfully completed (“C” or higher) a college-level writing course (ENG 110) or a college-level math course (MTH 103 or MTH 104) within the past five (5) years, and have documentation of these courses on an official transcript.
- Students who have taken the Accuplacer test(s) within the past three (3) years and can provide a copy of the results.
- Students who are taking all of their courses online.
The cut scores for the Accuplacer tests are posted on the UTTC website.
Repeating Courses
Students may repeat courses to improve grades and grade-point averages; however, the last grade received following each repetition becomes the grade of record. In all instances, the transcript will show the previous registration(s) and grade(s) received.
Any UTTC courses repeated to improve a grade must be taken (repeated) at UTTC. Courses repeated elsewhere will not affect the UTTC grade point average. Repeating courses may affect athletic and financial aid eligibility.
Semester Description
Transfer Credit Policy
What is transfer credit?
Transfer credit refers to the credit a college or university grants for courses the student completed at a previously attended accredited institution. Students may request transfer of college credit earned at United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) to another educational institution or request transfer of college credit earned at another educational institution to UTTC.
Transferring Course Credits to UTTC
Only credits from accredited institutions of higher education are accepted for transfer. Review the North Dakota General Education Requirement Transfer Agreement (GERTA) Guide at for commonly transferred courses from colleges and universities located in the state of North Dakota (NDUS GERTA guide, 2022).
Transcripts will be evaluated for course transfer within two (2) business days upon receipt of the transcript and prior to the student registering for classes. Student transcripts from previously attended institutions that are provided for admissions consideration become the property of UTTC.
How many credits earned at other accredited institutions will transfer to UTTC?
The UTTC Transfer Specialist will conduct a thorough review of every course on the transferring student’s transcript to ensure all courses that meet the student’s degree requirements at UTTC are transferred. UTTC maintains practices, as an accredited institution, that ensure the coherence and quality of the programs for which it awards a degree. Therefore, a minimum of 30 of the 120 credits earned for the bachelor’s degree, and 15 of the 60 credits for the associate degree, must be credits earned at UTTC (Assumed practices: Policies, 2022).
For students transferring credit to UTTC:
- Students seeking to transfer credit earned at another college to UTTC must provide an official transcript from the other college to the UTTC Admissions Office.
- The transcripts must be sent directly from the other college. Students may not submit the transcripts in person. The transcripts must bear the official seal of the other college. Photocopies and facsimiles are not acceptable.
- Transfer credit is only granted to courses that apply to students’ programs of study at UTTC or meet degree requirements.
- Credit will not be granted for courses in which students earned lower than C, were graded on a pass/fail or credit/no credit basis or have a course number lower than 100 or equal to or higher than 500.
- UTTC refrains from the transcription of credit from other institutions or providers that will not apply to UTTC programs of study (Assumed practices: Policies, 2022).
- The student will receive a copy of the transcript evaluation form as confirmation indicating courses that have been accepted for transfer credit.
- Transfer credits will be re-evaluated based on the new major if a student changes academic programs (majors) after arriving at UTTC.
- The most recent official transcript with completed coursework may be submitted for admissions purposes and for early evaluation of credits if a student is currently enrolled at another college. Students will need to send a final official transcript at the conclusion of the current semester for evaluation of courses in progress and to complete the transfer process.
- Each course that is considered for transfer must be equivalent in content and rigor to a UTTC course required on the degree plan.
- A grade of “T” is recorded on the transcript and degree plan when a course is accepted for transfer credit. The “T” grade has no point value; therefore, it is not considered when calculating the term, degree, or cumulative GPA.
- AP (Advanced Placement) transcripts and College Level Examination Board – College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores must come directly from the College Board. Students must contact to request an official copy to be sent to UTTC. Scores of 3 or higher on AP exams in applicable courses are acceptable for transfer.
- Credits earned through military service as recommended by the American Council on Education Registry are acceptable, as are other military credits, when applicable to the student’s degree plan. Appropriate military documents (DD214, military transcript) must be submitted to receive credit.
- Students who completed dual credit courses in high school must request an official transcript from the college through which those courses were taken for the credit to be evaluated.
- Currency of courses is considered when evaluating credits for transfer. Older coursework may not fulfill a course requirement on some degree plans. For example, computer technology courses taken more than 5 years ago may no longer be compatible with current course content so students will be required to take a current course to fulfill their degree plan requirements (College and University Transfer Policies, n.d.). Course currency does not apply for students who have a conferred degree. All of their courses will be considered for transfer regardless of when the credits were earned.
Transferring UTTC Course Credits to Other Institutions
Students seeking to transfer credit earned at UTTC to another college must submit a signed Transcript Request Form to the UTTC Transfer Specialist at Signed requests are necessary to send transcripts. The Transfer Specialist will send transcripts within three days of receiving the signed request to the college or colleges indicated on the Transcript Request Form.
Transferring students should indicate a specific person or office to which the transcripts should be sent whenever possible. Students who want their transcripts to include certificates and degrees earned must request their transcripts be sent after the appropriate graduation date for those certificates and degrees. UTTC will not send transcripts for students who have outstanding financial or property obligations to the college. All obligations to the college must be cleared before transcripts will be sent.
Transfer credit granted by other colleges will be governed by the policies and procedures of those colleges. All colleges and universities have their own policies for accepting transfer credits.
Reverse Transfer Initiative
The UTTC Registrar’s Office supports the North Dakota University System’s (“NDUS”) 407.0 Reverse Transfer initiative to assist students who have transferred from UTTC and are currently enrolled at a NDUS university by offering an additional opportunity to complete an associate degree. This initiative applies to former students from North Dakota public or tribal colleges who completed at least 36 credits while at the College but transferred prior to completing an associate degree. UTTC will work with the colleges and universities to develop a process for qualified students to apply for and be granted this degree. The Reverse Transfer initiative does not apply to baccalaureate degrees.
- Students who have transferred to a NDUS university or other TCU from UTTC will be eligible to complete an associate degree through the reverse transfer of completed coursework.
- Eligible students will have completed at least 36 semester hours at UTTC without completing an associate degree prior to transfer to another TCU or an NDUS university.
Transfer Credit Appeal Process
Students who do not agree with UTTC’s decision on the granting of credit earned at a prior college or university have the right to submit an appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). Students requesting an appeal will submit a written appeal (email) and provide reasonable material to support their case, such as the course description or syllabus in question. The VPAA will respond within three business days with the final decision.
Assumed practices (crrt.b.10.020): Policies. Higher Learning Commission. (2022, February). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
College and University Transfer Policies. American Council on Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
NDUS GERTA guide. (2022, August). General Education Requirement Transfer Agreement (GERTA). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
Find out more about transferring in and out of UTTC on the Transfer Credit Page.
Transferring to Other Institutions
UTTC makes every attempt to align courses with other colleges and universities to increase transferability of course credits between institutions; however, UTTC cannot guarantee courses will transfer. If a student intends to transfer to another institution, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the Registrar’s Office at the selected college or university and inquire about which UTTC courses they will accept. This process should be started as early as possible.
Withdrawal from the College
UTTC is firmly committed to assisting students in exploring all alternatives to formally withdrawing from college. If a student decides to withdraw, a Withdrawal Form will be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The student’s academic advisor or Academic & Personal Counselor will initiate the withdrawal process for students, for both student-initiated (voluntary) and college initiated (involuntary) withdrawals. The form is available on the UTTC website.
- Student-initiated withdrawal forms are processed by the Registrar’s Office within two (2) days of being received from the Academic & Personal Counselor.
- College initiated withdrawal forms are initiated by the academic advisor and Academic & Personal Counselor. The student is notified about the withdrawal by the counselor and has three (3) days to appeal directly to the VPAA. The VPAA will make a determination on the appeal and contact the student, the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, and the Academic & Personal Counselor within two (2) days of receiving the written appeal. The Academic & Personal Counselor will inform all interested parties of the results and the Registrar’s Office will process withdrawal.
- A student who has withdrawn from UTTC for any reason, including medical, is no longer enrolled. Consequently, as of the date of the withdrawal, the student cannot continue to attend classes or complete work that was assigned in the term in which the withdrawal occurred, even if the deadline for such assignments was previously extended. A student who decides to return to UTTC in the future will be required to re-apply for admission.
Withdrawal Prior to Census Date
Any students who have not attended class within the first two (2) weeks of the semester will be dropped from the course(s). If the student has not attended one or more courses, the academic advisor will complete an Add/Drop Form to withdraw the student from the course(s). If the student has not attended any courses during the first two (2) weeks of class, the Academic & Personal Counselor will complete a Withdrawal Form based on a recommendation from the student’s academic advisor.
Every effort will be made to verify the student has not attended class. If this has been determined, the Add/Drop Form must be completed no later than two (2) weeks after the semester start, on the Census date for the semester. If the student is withdrawn on or before Census date, there will be no academic record for the student for that semester and no charges will be incurred. The Academic & Personal Counselor will notify the appropriate parties on campus that the student is no longer enrolled at UTTC.
In the event a student is allowed to register for courses but is not able to meet the requirements for payment by the date due, Student Accounts will submit a request to the student’s Academic & Personal Counselor to depart the student based on non-payment. The Academic & Personal Counselor will complete the Add/Drop Form for the student’s courses and submit it to the Registrar’s Office on or before Census date and the student will be withdrawn. The Academic & Personal Counselor will notify all interested parties on campus regarding the student’s status.
The date on the Add/Drop Form or the Withdrawal Form is the last day the student attends classes. If the withdrawal is the result of a college initiated withdrawal form process, and the student intends to appeal, the student will continue to attend classes until a decision has been rendered regarding the appeal (within five (5) days of the initial withdrawal date). This extended time period allows two (2) days for the student to file an appeal with the VPAA and for a decision to be made regarding that appeal. The VPAA will contact the student, the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, and the Academic & Personal Counselor within two (2) days of receiving the written appeal when a decision has been made. The Academic & Personal Counselor will relay the results of the appeal to all interested parties, including Housing, Student Accounts and others.
The decision by the VPAA is final. The student will not attend classes any day after the final decision.
Withdrawals with Extenuating circumstances
Students on occasion must withdraw from college due to extenuating circumstances that are outside of their control. Such extenuating circumstances may include a medical emergency, military call to active duty, death in the immediate family or other exceptional situations. A student who requests a student-initiated withdrawal, and whose request for special consideration due to an extenuating circumstance is approved, will have Ws recorded on the academic record. Ws in the case of extenuating circumstances will not be calculated as 0s or otherwise factored into the student’s grade point average. The student remains financially liable for all costs of attendance (tuition, fees, books, etc.) for the withdrawn semester, but will be able to return to college in the future without being placed on academic probation. All extenuating circumstances requests must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, whose decision is final. This exception only applies to academic status and not financial aid status.

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