Graduation Information
UTTC has two formal graduation ceremonies, the fall commencement in December and the spring commencement in May. All potential graduates are required to submit a graduation application the semester they intend to graduate on or before the date indicated on the academic calendar. The Registrar’s Office verifies the students have met the graduation requirements for their program of study by conducting a degree audit for each potential graduate. The degree audit should be completed prior to the last day to add a class for the semester in which the student is scheduled to graduate. Completing the audit early allows the student to add any course(s) the student may be required to complete to fulfill graduation requirements.
Once the degree audit is complete, the Registrar adds the student to the list of graduates for the semester. This list is used for planning the commencement ceremony, the graduation program, and to prepare the diplomas. All students must fulfill all college and departmental requirements before graduation can take place. The commencement ceremony does not guarantee degree completion.
The Registrar’s Office mails the signed diplomas to the graduates within 30 days following the date of commencement, after the degree has been conferred and all financial obligations have been met. Students who do not attend the ceremony will receive the diploma and a copy of the commencement program in the mail.
Graduation Attire:
All United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) graduating participants must wear full academic regalia – gown, mortarboard cap, and tassel – in recognition of the significance of commencement (the graduation ceremony). Any exceptions to the academic regalia (gown, mortarboard cap, and tassel) must be requested in writing and approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs at least five days prior to the date of graduation.
Accessories Guidelines:
- Gold cords are reserved for honor students (awarded by the Registrar’s Office).
- Other cord colors may be available for other honorary societies.
- Sashes and stoles for student organizations, military, and veteran students, cultural representation, and personal adornment.
- Pins presented to graduates from the UTTC Graduation Committee.
Graduation Requirements
Each candidate for graduation must fulfill the following requirements for a certificate of completion, an associate degree, or baccalaureate degree:
- Complete a graduation application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office no later than 14 calendar days before the ceremony, as indicated on the academic calendar. Students are encouraged to complete and submit the application immediately following enrollment in their final semester courses.
- Review the advising worksheet (also referred to as the graduation report) with the academic advisor to make sure all program requirements are met. This should be completed prior to the last day to add/drop courses for the semester the student intends to graduate.
- Verify all personal information is correct in and on the graduation application. The name entered on the diploma, and the address to which it will be mailed will be taken from the graduation application.
- Courses considered for meeting graduation requirements must have been completed with a minimum grade of 2.0 (“C”, or higher”). Courses that resulted in a grade of less than 2.0 will not meet graduation requirements.
- Students who are enrolled in the summer semester, and will have fulfilled the graduation requirements for their program of study at the end of the summer semester, will be allowed to participate in the preceding May commencement ceremony. The degree will not be conferred until the end of the summer semester after grades are posted and the student has met the minimum requirements. The diploma will be mailed within 30 after the grades are posted for the summer semester if the student meets the criteria for the release of the diploma.
- The Registrar’s Office will waive the requirements for OSHA 10 and/or First Aid/CPR for students enrolled in certificate programs that require these certifications if the student can provide proof of current certification at the time of semester registration. Each one of the certifications must be valid at the time the student graduates from the respective program. The waiver for these two courses will apply only to students in the certificate programs. If a student fails to provide the current certification cards for OSHA 10 and/or First Aid/CPR before census date on the UTTC academic calendar, the student will register for a complete the courses at UTTC and will be charged tuition and fees for the course (s). The First Aid/CPR card must include certification in Adult First Aid/CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED).
Graduation with Honors
Graduation with Honors requires having obtained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better.

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