United Tribes Technical College offers a variety of academic and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs ranging from certificates to bachelor degree programs. Click on the program link below for more information. For additional information about course descriptions, please refer to the UTTC Academic Catalog at https://uttc.edu/academics/academic-affairs/academic-catalog/.
Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS)
Associate of Science Degree (AS)
- Business Administration (Available Online)
- Criminal Justice (Available Online)
- Elementary Education (Available Online)
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Science & Research
- Fisheries and Wildlife Biology
- General Studies (Available Online)
- Health, Physical Education & Recreation
- Indigenous Leadership
- Pre-Engineering
- Social Work
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Bachelor’s Degree (BS)
AAS – Associate of Applied Science | *AS – Associate of Science | BS – Bachelor of Science
Certificate – These are academic programs of up to 30 – 32 credits that are completed in one year or less by full-time students. Certificates are specialized training for people who want to quickly complete a program that leads to a specific job. Certificates typically consist of 6 – 9 credits of General Education courses and 18 – 24 credits of core courses in the area of specialty.
Diploma – An academic program with generally 30 to 55 credits intended to provide students with skills leading directly to a specific job.
Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) – A degree program that normally requires at least two but less than four years of full-time college work. An AAS degree consists of “applied” courses that are focused on teaching practical career and technical skills and preparing students for a particular career pathway. An AAS degree may or may not be designed to transfer to a BS degree program. An AAS degree typically has between 60 – 64 total credits. Of the 60 – 64 total credits, approximately 24-28 are General Education course credits and the remainder specific to the program.
Associate of Science Degree (AS) – An Associate of Science (AS) is a 2-year degree. Unlike the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, which prepares you to enter a career immediately after graduation, most AS and AA degrees are transfer degrees and provide an academic foundation, but not specific career training. The AS requires more hours in Math and Lab Sciences.
Bachelor’s Degree (BS) – A degree program that normally requires at least four but not more than six years of full-time college work. Typically has between 120 – 124 total credits, with approximately 60 credits of General Education courses and 60 credits of courses in the major.
Online Education
UTTC provides a student-centered online experience for both full and part-time students who study when and where they choose. They are guided through coursework by weekly deadlines.
A computer, basic computer skills, reliable internet access, word processing and communication with the course facilitator are essential for student success. Students access course resources, collaboration room forums, assignments and assessments through my.uttc.edu, the learning management system.
UTTC offers associate of applied science degrees in general studies and criminal justice completely online, in addition to being offered on the UTTC campus.

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882