Requesting Transcripts
United Tribes Technical College may withhold official records and documents such as transcripts, official and unofficial, diplomas, and enrollment/degree certifications for individuals with outstanding financial obligations to the college. For questions, please, contact the Student Accounts Office at (701) 221-1425. Transcripts, official and unofficial, will not be issued as a result of phone requests.
Ordering an Official Transcript
Currently enrolled students at United Tribes Technical College need to submit a formal request by:
- Completing the Official Transcript Request Form,
- Return the form to the Registrar’s Office via fax, 701.530.0636; or as an attachment to; or, in person at the Enrollment Services located at Jack Barden Center, Upper Floor,
- There is no fee for an official transcript.
Alumni and former students may request a transcript through the National Student Clearinghouse by following these steps:
- Log-in to the National Student Clearinghouse,
- Click the Order Now link and select United Tribes Technical College,
- The site will walk you through placing the order. You can order as many transcripts as you need in a single session.
- Order updates will be emailed or texted to you. You can also check order status and delivery confirmation.
- The cost per transcript is $2.75.
Unofficial Transcripts
Current students can access their unofficial transcript via MyUTTC at anytime, anywhere.
Alumni and former students will complete the Unofficial Transcript Request Form and send to the Registrar’s Office via fax, 701.530.0636; or, as an attachment to; or, in person at Enrollment Services located at Jack Barden Center, Upper Floor. There is no fee to issue unofficial transcripts.
Note that all transcripts are printed and sent from the Registrar’s Office on the same day the complete order is received.
UTTC uses letter grades to evaluate student work in each class. Students earn grades and credit by meeting course requirements. A student is required to earn a grade of ‘C’, or higher, in every course required for the degree, diploma or certificate that he or she is seeking. Any grade lower than a “C” will not fulfill the requirements for any course listed on any degree plan at United Tribes Technical College.
Once a grade is reported, only the faculty member who reported it may change it. If an error is detected, or if other circumstances warrant a change in the grade issued, the correction should be made no later than 10 days after the start of the next semester.
Instructors are responsible for determining final grades and submitting the final grades to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar then determines the student’s term GPA by dividing the number of points earned each semester by the total semester hours attempted. The cumulative GPA is determined by the same formula. Grades of Incomplete and withdrawn semester hours are not used in calculating the GPA. The most recent grade will be used to calculate GPA when a course is repeated.
- Grades and attendance cannot be disclosed to a student’s family members without written permission from the student on the signed release form.
- Grades and attendance for dual credit students can be provided to the parent/guardian or the school advocate if the student is under the age of 18.
- Posting grades using the student’s name, student ID number or any portion of the social security number violates FERPA.
- Faculty and staff are prohibited from disclosing personally identifiable information about a student or permitting inspection of a student’s educational records without that student’s written consent (signed release form).
- Reference letters written on behalf of a student do not give the authorization to disclose that student’s records or performance details without that student’s written consent (i.e., a signed release form).
- In general, student information may only be shared with the student’s consent, in a health or safety emergency, or pursuant to another FERPA exception.
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for providing annual FERPA training to faculty and staff during the fall in-service and to provide a copy of the FERPA regulations to all faculty and staff. Any questions about FERPA may be referred to the Registrar’s Office.
Grade Changes
The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor shall be final. The following policies apply to changes of grades, except for changes of Incomplete (I) and Withdrawal (W) grades:
- In general, all course grades are final when filed by the instructor at the end of the term. These grades become a part of the student’s permanent record.
- A change of grade shall not occur as a consequence of the acceptance of additional work or re-examination beyond the specified course requirements.
- A request for a grade change shall be initiated by the student affected or by the instructor within one week (5 business days) following the award of the original grade. If the instructor determines there is a valid basis for the grade change, due to a calculation error, a grade change request will be submitted to the Registrar. If the instructor determines there is not a valid basis for the change and denies the student’s request, the grade will remain as recorded.
- The student may formally appeal the grade by submitting a written letter of appeal (email) to the Dean of Instruction or Career and Technical Education Director within ten (10) business days after the award of the original grade. The Dean or Director will respond to the appeal within three (3) business days with the final decision.
Incomplete Grade Request
A grade of I (Incomplete) will be recorded when a student is making progress in classes but is unable to complete course requirements for reasons beyond his/her control and after negotiation between the teacher and the student about how the course can be completed. Except for emergencies, such as exceptional personal illness, a death in the family, or other unforeseeable emergencies, a student must contact their instructor within two weeks prior to an event or events that they feel would interfere with their ability to attend class and finish the semester successfully. A minimum of a current letter grade of “C” is required for the student to be considered for an Incomplete. Students have two (2) weeks into the succeeding semester to complete the necessary work.
The instructor may report an incomplete grade when the student is unable to complete the course because of reasons beyond his/her control. Such reasons constitute a personal illness, a death in the family, or other unforeseeable emergencies. A “last-ditch effort” by the student to complete the course with a history of poor attendance or poor performance is not a viable reason to report an incomplete grade. The student is responsible to request an incomplete grade. The advisor is responsible to make sure the student understands this option. Students must contact their instructors within two weeks of other circumstances they feel would interfere with their ability to attend class and finish the course successfully. The student must have a minimum of a ‘C’ grade at the time the Incomplete is requested. The incomplete grade must change to a grade by the date announced by the Registrar or else it converts to an “F.”
Final Examinations
UTTC holds that evaluation of student achievement is required in all courses. Deciding the need and nature of final examinations as a means of evaluation is the responsibility of the instructor in each course. Final examinations for traditional semester courses are scheduled during a special examination period after the regular session of classes at the end of each semester.

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882