Student Data Privacy – FERPA
Under the terms of FERPA, United Tribes Technical College has established the following information as Directory Information that may be released to those requesting it unless the student specifically requests otherwise by submitting written notification to the Registrar’s Office.
Directory Information:
- Student Name
- Local Address
- Permanent Address
- Email Address
- Hometown
- Degrees and Awards Received and Dates
- Dates of Attendance (Current and Past)
- Full or Part-time Enrollment Status
- Participation in Officially Recognized Activities
- Participation in Officially Recognized Sports
- Weight/Height of Member of Athletic Teams
- Most Recently Attended Education Institute
- Major Field of Study
- Academic Level
- Residency Status
- Photographs
Any other information about a student that is not considered Directory Information may not be released without written consent of the student. Grades, social security numbers, ethnic background, and student schedules may not be released to anyone other than by the student and NEVER over the phone. If a student signs a FERPA release form, the information can be shared and remains in effect until that student is no longer enrolled and unless that student states otherwise on the form. If a student discontinues being enrolled as a student for any period of time, the FERPA release form becomes null and void and the student will need to sign a new FERPA release form when they return.
Faculty and staff have access to a student’s educational records for the sole purpose of performing their job responsibly. Faculty and staff are granted this access as school officials with “legitimate educational interest.” This is defined as:
- Performing a task specified in a position description or contract
- Performing a task related to a student’s education or discipline
- Providing a service to a student
- Maintaining safety and security on campus
Faculty and Staff Responsibilities
- UTTC employees have a responsibility to protect the confidentiality of a student’s educational records, regardless of the medium in which those records are presented.
- Grades and attendance cannot be disclosed to a student’s family members without written permission from the student on the signed release form.
- Grades and attendance for dual credit students can be provided to the parent/guardian or the school advocate if the student is under the age of 18.
- Posting grades using the student’s name, student ID number or any portion of the social security number violates FERPA.
- Faculty and staff are prohibited from disclosing personally identifiable information about a student or permitting inspection of a student’s educational records without that student’s written consent (signed release form).
- Reference letters written on behalf of a student do not give the authorization to disclose that student’s records or performance details without that student’s written consent (i.e., a signed release form).
- In general, student information may only be shared with the student’s consent, in a health or safety emergency, or pursuant to another FERPA exception
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for providing annual FERPA training to faculty and staff during the fall in-service and to provide a copy of the FERPA regulations to all faculty and staff. Any questions about FERPA may be referred to the Registrar’s Office.
Name/Address Change Request
A student who chooses to change or correct his or her name on academic records will need to complete and submit the Name Change Form (available on the UTTC website) and provide the following documentation:
- A student ID card or driver’s license with the former name, and
- At least two of the following documents, with one having a photograph for verification purposes:
- Driver’s license
- Passport
- Birth certificate
- Tribal ID
- State ID
- Social security card
The student will bring the completed form and required documents to the Registrar’s Office or mail them to the following address:
United Tribes Technical College.
Registrar’s Office
3315 University Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504
All requests for changes or corrections of a name must be accompanied by the required legal documentation. Photocopies are sufficient if the student is mailing the request.
A student can change his or her local or permanent address, email address or phone number by contacting the Admissions and Recruitment Office. The majority of communications from UTTC are provided to students by email. This includes notifications regarding billing and instructions related to registration. If a student is expecting a refund or waiting for information from any of the departments on campus, the address on file will be used for mailing purposes. The email address and telephone number provided when the student applied for admissions to UTTC will be used unless the student requests it changed.
It is important to make sure the permanent mailing address is accurate when the student graduates. The diploma and any alumni information will be mailed by the Registrar’s Office to the permanent address on file at the time of graduation.
Preferred First Name Procedure
In an effort to accommodate students who are known by a first name that is different from their legal first name, UTTC has created a preferred first name option for student information as it appears in select locations. Students will be able to request adding a preferred first name to their student information profile by submitting the completed Preferred First Name Form to the Registrar’s Office that includes the circumstances for the request. The completed form will be maintained in the student’s confidential file. The form is available on the UTTC website.
The Registrar will consult with the student’s Academic & Personal Counselor and respond to the student within five days of receiving the request. If approved, the preferred first name would replace the student’s legal name as it appears on course lists, student email, and the directory.
UTTC endeavors to display preferred first names to the UTTC community where feasible and has made a good faith effort to update the systems that are designated to use a preferred name. In the event the student’s preferred first name is not displaying correctly, they must contact the Registrar’s Office.
UTTC reserves the right to approve or disapprove preferred first name change requests.
Required Use of Legal First Name
In some instances, students’ legal names must always be used regardless of whether preferred names have been added to the system. Legal names will always appear on all external use reports and documents including, but not limited to, hiring paperwork, paychecks, student billing, financial aid forms, tax forms, official transcripts, official diplomas, and any other documents required by law. Legal first names can only be changed on these records when students pursue a legal name change with their home state and/or federal authorities and then submit that documentation to the Registrar’s Office. If students are using a preferred name in the campus systems they must be prepared to use legal name and identification in all instances where legal identification or official information is necessary.
Enrollment Verification
Enrollment verification proves to third parties that a student is enrolled at UTTC. Instances in which enrollment verification may be requested include applying for a job, deferring student loans or seeking insurance discounts. The student must submit the completed Enrollment Verification Form to the Registrar. The form is available on the UTTC website. The Registrar will respond to the request within five (5) business days.

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882