Thank you for your interest in requesting funding from UTTC’s Student Government Association. As part of our annual budget, we allot funds to help clubs and organizations carry out activities on campus and in the community. This page contains a simple step-by-step guide to requesting funding and the following pages contain the form itself. Please email with any questions.
Step One: Funding must be requested by an officially recognized UTTC club or organization in good standing. We do not consider requests from individuals or groups without a club or organization affiliation. Also, please ensure that all events are OPEN to all students to participate in or be a part of. We cannot fund a pizza party for your club’s members, but we can fund something the entire campus is welcome to attend. Finally, please note that as part of the SGA legislative process, you may be subject to a variety of spending restrictions – and the amount granted may vary.
Step Two: Fill out the form below and turn it in via email to by Monday at 5 pm on the week you want your matter brought up at the SGA meeting. SGA meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of every month. The meeting dates are posted on the calendar.
Step Three: Student Government will discuss all submitted forms at our regular meetings. The SGA Funding Requests sub-committee presents them to the SGA membership with a recommendation for funding. You are welcome to attend and discuss your proposal.
Step Four: Once the request is approved, it can take up to 5 business days for your organization to receive the funds. All funds must be spent per UTTC Finance Office policies.
Step Five: The SGA representative for your club must submit records to the SGA Funding Requests sub-committee stating how the money was spent, including receipts, one week after the event or purchase.

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882