Self-Guided Resources

Develop a Growth Mindset
Students with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Students with a fixed mindset believe their intelligence or talent is fixed. These students spend their time documenting abilities instead of developing their abilities. It is far more beneficial to have a growth mindset. Read psychologist Carol Dweck’s book to learn more and check out the resources below!
Be Resilient
Resilient students bounce back in the face of challenge, change and stress. Being resilient doesn’t mean a student never experiences difficulty or stress. However, resilient individuals respond to stress in ways that help them not only recover, but grow and thrive. Review the following materials to enhance your ability to become and stay resilient!

Think Positively
Research shows us that your happiness, motivation and academic performance are heavily linked to the perceptions and attitudes you hold toward yourself and your abilities. Positive thinking not only opens your mind to new possibilities, but it also increases your capacity to build skills and be successful.
Set SMART Goals
Having goals helps develop and maintain motivation, vision and focus. When you set goals for yourself, make sure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound, and be sure you have a way to hold yourself accountable for meeting them.

Test-Taking Strategies
Remember, when it comes to studying and preparing for tests, it’s all about working smarter, not harder. Be sure you are studying using strategies that prepare you for exams that assess you at high levels. Map out concepts, talk through content with a peer and create study guides for yourself. Break down the material into small bite-sized pieces and take advantage of office hours and review sessions.
Read More Efficiently
Make sure you approach your readings similar to how you approach studying: read smarter, not harder. Ensure you are using active reading techniques that help you engage with the text at high levels. Try not to jump too quickly into your readings, but rather, spend time pre-reading first. Take the time to read the abstracts, summaries and chapter headings, which will help you approach the reading with purpose. Pay attention to keywords, reflection questions and whether or not you’re internalizing what you’re reading. Recognize if you need to read a section again, and never read without a writing utensil in your hand! Highlighting, underlining and taking notes helps you stay engaged.

Stay Focused While Studying
How many times have you gone to the library with the best of intentions, fully prepared to spend the next hours dedicated to your studies, only to wind up distracted and unproductive? It happens to the best of us, but being able to remain focused while studying is crucial to your academic success.
Connect With Instructors
Successful students build and maintain productive relationships with academic instructors and university professionals. Successful students also communicate effectively and take responsibility for their own academic success.

Manage Your Time
Time management is a lifelong skill. The strong time management habits you develop now can be applied to your life beyond college — to your career, personal goals, and family life. Learning to think about your time in a meaningful way now will help you manage your life as it changes and grows later on.
Engage in Leadership Opportunities
Leadership opportunities are engaging, hands-on opportunities that have been shown to impact student well-being and performance. We encourage you to participate in the following––
Find info for these on the Campus Calendar
- First Year Experience
- Student Government
- Clubs or Athletics
- Community Service Opportunities

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