North Dakota Tribal Education Programs
Spirit Lake Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Scholarship
Tribal scholarship requires full-time enrollment, and a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- November 1st for Fall Semester
- March 1st for Spring Semester
**Students must provide a new scholarship application for each semester**
Printable Tribal Scholarship Application
Helen Bergstrom Ernst Scholarship
Requires full-time enrollment, and a minimum 2.0 GPA
Deadline: last Friday of September each year
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Need-based scholarship not to exceed $3,500 per semester. Students must have a 2.0 GPA to be eligible.
- June 30th for Fall Semester
- November 30th for Spring Semester
- April 30th for Summer Semester
Phone: (701) 854-8545
Three Affiliated Tribes
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Offers up to $3,500 per Fall/Spring semester, and up to $2,000 per Summer semester. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Priority deadlines:
- March 15 for the Academic Year
- October 15 for Spring semester
- Applications will still be accepted after the priority deadlines
Helen Gough Scholarship
Awards $100-$500 scholarships for Three Affiliated Tribes members. Applicants must provide 3 letters of recommendation and proof of college acceptance.
Deadline: June 1
Write or call Martha Hunter for an application:
Higher Education Office
354 Main Street
New Town ND 58763
(701) 627-4112
MHA College and Beyond
Full-time applicants on a semester schedule may be eligible to receive the following: up to $4,500.00 per Fall/Spring Semesters and up to $2,500.00 per Summer Semester or up to $11,500 per academic year. The MHA Education Grant must be the last option for funding. The Grant funds unmet need.
Fall: opens July 15 – closes Oct. 15
Spring: opens Nov. 15 – closes Feb. 15
Summer: opens April 15 – closes June 15
Turtle Mountain
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Tribal Scholarship Program requires students to be enrolled full-time, and maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Deadline: September 1st for the Academic Year
South Dakota Tribal Education Programs
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Students must be enrolled full-time and maintain a 2.0 GPA.
**Students may not receive both the Higher Education Scholarship and the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Scholarship
- June 15th for Fall Semester
- November 15th for Spring Semester
- April 15th for Summer Semester
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
$3,000 per school year for all full-time students.
Students must be enrolled full-time and maintain a 2.0 GPA.
- June 15th for Fall Semester
- November 15th for Spring Semester
Oglala Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
- June 15th for Academic Year
- November 15th for Spring Semester only
- April 1st for Summer Semester
Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Students must be full time. Minimum GPA of 1.5 for Freshmen, 2.0 for Sophomores, and 2.5 for Juniors and Seniors.
- July 1st for academic year
- December 1st for Spring semester only
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Students will be paid according to credit hours earned. Must pass the course with a grade of “C” or better to receive funding.
- February 28th for Fall semester
- July 31st for Spring semester
- September 15th for Summer semester
Irene Gronau Memorial Health Career Scholarship
Students must be enrolled full time in a health-related program. Minimum 2.0 GPA
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Need-based scholarship not to exceed $3,500 per semester. Students must have a 2.0 GPA to be eligible.
- June 30th for Fall Semester
- November 30th for Spring Semester
- April 30th for Summer Semester
Phone: (701) 854-8545
Yankton Sioux Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Must provide high school transcripts or a copy of diploma/GED. If attended college prior to applying, an official copy of transcripts must be sent directly to the Higher Education office. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above and remain in contact with the Higher Education office throughout the semester.
- July 1st for academic year/Fall semester
- December 1st for spring semester
Regional Tribal Education Programs
AZ - Colorado River Indian Tribes
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Full or part time students may apply. Must provide application, CIB, letter of admission, financial needs analysis, and transcripts.
- June 30th – Fall semester
- October 30th – Spring semester
AZ - Navajo Nation
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Full or part time students may apply. Must provide application, CIB, letter of admission, financial needs analysis, and transcripts.
- June 25th – Fall semester (application opens March 15th)
- November 25th – Spring semester (application opens September 25th)
CO - Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
- June 30th – Fall semester
- November 30th – Spring semester
- April 15th – Summer semester
MT - Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Scholarship funds help for portions of the student’s budget costs that include tuition, fees, books, school supplies, and room & board. Students must maintain a 2.25 GPA.
- Application due May 1, 2019
- File completion due August 1, 2019 for priority
If a student turns in an application after the May 1st deadline, it will be marked as late and kept on file. Funding is not guaranteed to late applications.
MT - Crow Nation
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Students must be Pell eligible, enrolled full-time for an undergraduate degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
- Application due May 1, 2019
- File completion due August 1, 2019 for priority
If a student turns in an application after the deadline, it will be placed on a waitlist. Funding is not guaranteed to late applications.
AVT-Job Placement and Training Grant
Students must be enrolled in a job placement training program that does not exceed 24 months in length.
Find more information, and applications for higher education funding at Crow Nation Higher Education.
MT - Fort Peck Tribes
Tribal Higher Education Grants
Returning and new students must provide a scholarship application, needs assessment form (to be completed by the financial aid office), and a copy of the most recent official transcript. New studens must also provide their CIB, copy of HS diploma or GED, and copy of acceptance letter from college.
Visit Assiniboine & Sioux Education Department for more information and applications.
MT - Northern Cheyenne Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
- December 1st – Fall
- October 1st – Spring
- April 1st – Summer
Visit Cheyenne Nation Tribal Education for the application, forms, and more information.
NE - Ponca Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Up to $1000 awarded to assist students in educational expenses. Students must provide an application, certificate of Indian blood, contract, financial needs form (to be filled out by the financial aid office), letter of admission, and transcripts.
- August 15th – Fall semester
- December 15th – Spring semester
- May 15th – Summer semester
NE - Winnebago Tribe
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Applicants must have a 2.50 cumulative GPA or better; those who have not met the 2.50 GPA out of high school are placed on academic probation and must adhere to article
- April 15th – Fall semester (application and CIB)
- July 15th – Fall semester (education plan, FNA, transcripts, letter of admission/class schedule)
- October 15th – Spring semester (application and CIB)
- November 15th – Spring semester (education plan, FNA, transcripts, letter of admission/class schedule)
OK - Sac and Fox Nation
Tribal Higher Education Grant
- June 30th for Fall semester
- November 30th for Spring semester
- April 15th for summer semester
Visit Sac and Fox Nation Education Department for more information.
WY - Northern Arapaho Sky People
Tribal Higher Education Grant
Scholarship funds help for portions of the student’s budget costs that include tuition, fees, books, school supplies, and room & board. Students must maintain a 2.25 GPA.
- June 1st for Fall semester and academic year
- November 15th for Spring semester
- April 15th for summer semester
Visit Sky People Higher Education for current application and additional information.
Jack Barden Center
(Upper Floor)
Don’t See Your Tribe?
We try to keep a current list of Higher Education programs on our page, but we may not have yours listed! If you don’t see your tribe, please contact them to ask about higher education funding programs they offer. You can find your tribal contact information on the National Congress of American Indians’ tribal directory.

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882