Hau’ Mikodapi na Mitakiyapi (Hello my friends and relatives):
On behalf of the Board of Directors, administration, and staff, I welcome you to the United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) campus! UTTC is a nonprofit corporation owned and governed by the five Indian tribes located wholly or in part within the state of North Dakota. UTTC has provided quality certificates, associates of applied science, and baccalaureate, programs of study to native and non-native students since being established over 52 years ago.
We are committed to supporting you in the completion of the education program of your choice by providing a challenging learning environment based in academia and culture despite. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought forth additional challenges that has required Administration to make hard decisions to maintain a safe environment and complete our educational mission.
To that end, all departments across campus, and through contractors, have put forth extensive cost and effort to enhance internet speed, control facility access and create safe spaces. These efforts are ongoing, but we are pleased with the progress and the updates seen throughout campus such as the Student Union, Cozy Creek Cafe, and Education Building.
UTTC continues to collaborate with the North Dakota Association of Tribal Colleges (NDATC), North Dakota University System, University of Mary, and Bismarck State College, to provide a seamless transfer between the respective systems. The NDATC partnership is especially important as UTTC seeks to share language courses as well as other courses with one another to assist our students in language revitalization and faster completion of their programs of study.
We are here to support you as a student regardless of your academic or training interests and will do our best to help you complete your chosen program. We welcome you to the UTTC family! We are excited and honored to have you here, and we wish you tremendous success in your every endeavor!
Hecetu yedo (so be it)
Leander R. McDonald, PhD (Ihanktowan/Sahnish/Hidatsa/Hunkpapa)
United Tribes Technical College President

Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701.255.3285
Toll Free: 888.643.8882